Function | Description |
hpss(y, **kwargs) | Decompose an audio time series into harmonic and percussive components. |
harmonic(y, **kwargs) | Extract harmonic elements from an audio time-series. |
percussive(y, **kwargs) | Extract percussive elements from an audio time-series. |
time_stretch(y, *, rate, **kwargs) | Time-stretch an audio series by a fixed rate. |
pitch_shift(y, *, sr, n_steps[, …]) | Shift the pitch of a waveform by n_steps steps. |
remix(y, intervals, *[, align_zeros]) | Remix an audio signal by re-ordering time intervals. |
trim(y, *[, top_db, ref, frame_length, …]) | Trim leading and trailing silence from an audio signal. |
split(y, *[, top_db, ref, frame_length, …]) | Split an audio signal into non-silent intervals. |
preemphasis(y, *[, coef, zi, return_zf]) | Pre-emphasize an audio signal with a first-order differencing filter. |
deemphasis(y, *[, coef, zi, return_zf]) | De-emphasize an audio signal with the inverse operation of preemphasis(). |
Harmonic and Percussive Source Separation
在音訊處理中,Harmonic-percussive source separation (HPSS) 是一種常用的技術,用於將音訊訊號區分為具有較強和較弱音高特徵的音訊元素,以及具有節奏和振幅變化的音訊元素。
: 只回傳諧波部分percussive
: 只回傳打擊部分
Time and frequency
time_stretch(y, rate)
:拉伸倍率- 不會改變聲音的頻率
pitch_shift(y, sr, n_steps)
remix(y, intervals)
:時間間隔- 例如:
array([[ 1536, 10752],[10752, 20480],...])
- 例如:
trim(y, top_db)
split(y, top_db)
preemphasis(y, coef)
deemphasis(y, coef)
:預強調係數,預設為0.97- 會和原本的可能有很小的不同,建議使用
np.allclose(y, y_de, atol=1e-5)